ilic_stefan's comments

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Either I have some problem with my eyes or both versions look exactly the same.

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@simon1812 Here in Serbia there wasn't any massacre, nor in Croatia, Bosnia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Greece, Albania, Italy, Austria, Germany or any other country in Europe. There were massacres and wars of course but never around violent video games.

Media just copies the same attitude from America and also criticizes video games. People still think they are pure evil but are in fact very uninformed.

To be honest more people died because of sports (hooligans and recent murder of French citizen Taton) and nobody is even thinking of banning hooligan groups, but guess what, everybody wants to ban video games.

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Ok, what the hell is happening here?

I've been playing most violent video games since I was 5 years old, I played Mortal Kombat, GTA, Postal 2, Prince of Persia, Fallout 1, 2 and 3 and all I have learned from them are that you should always do good things and that killing people is bad. That's right, I learned the opposite from what they claim.

And tell me one thing, who wages wars in middle east and who waged wars in 1940s and in 70s? Politicians that is who. And now those same power hungry, bloodthirsty politicians want to ban video games because some idiot took a gun and shot some people but before that he was playing video game.

If you are looking like that then why don't you ban F. M. Dostoyevski's Crime and Punishment, it is 100 times more violent (guy kills and old woman with axe in cold blood) and a guy is ran over by trailer and described in very good detail) and yet nobody is raising voice against it. What about news, they show us violent content.

Oh not to forget, what about religion that calls other people to war to defend religion.

Some people are big douchebags. Do they even play those games.