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#1 delta3074
Member since 2007 • 20003 Posts

@Xabiss said:
@pdogg93 said:

god I hate ms so much with their PR bullshit. The amount of time and effort they put into twisting words and making up “record breaking” nonsense, when they could just be making games.

You really should put your hate into something that really matters. You fanboys take this shit to serious and it is pretty pathetic to be honest. If you don't give a shit about Microsoft why does this shit even bother you? Microsoft is a business and can do as they please. If you don't like it, don't read their shit or buy their products. Why come on a forum daily to talk shit about something you don't even like. When this happens you should take a break from this place.


Whats worse is people putting down a game they have not even played themselves, State of Decay 2 is great fun in my opinion and to be honest i don't really care how other people see it, i will carry on playing it and Enjoy playing it.

and Gamer have become to entitled in my opinion, no game is bug free and games like Skyrim and fallout had way more bugs at launch than state of decay 2.

I remember the Ps3 had the worst version of that game and it could slow down to 1FPS on that console but Cows claimed it didn't matter that they where still enjoying the game.

both Lemmings and Cows are Hypocrites of the highest order like that, if a Game is Buggy on their Console it doesn't matter but if a game on the 'opposing' system is buggy they have to make a huge deal about it.

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#3 delta3074
Member since 2007 • 20003 Posts

@henrythefifth: Which is just your opinion, despite the numerous bugs state of decay 2 is an extremely fun and in depth game, the base Building and Resource management alone just sucks you in, it's the closest you will get to a Walking dead simulator on consoles.

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#4 delta3074
Member since 2007 • 20003 Posts
@drlostrib said:

that's a lot of gamepass trials

The numbers where between the 18th and 22nd, the game did not release on game pass until the 22nd, so only people who bought the Ultimate edition like myself.

''Since Early Access for the Ultimate Edition on May 18 and the global release of the Standard Edition on May 22, we have had over a million survivors across the globe playing and creating their own zombie survival story.'

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#5 delta3074
Member since 2007 • 20003 Posts

@freedomfreak: These numbers where before the game pass version released on the 22nd

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#6 delta3074
Member since 2007 • 20003 Posts

Despite the Numerous bugs this game is addicting as hell, just managed to reach a point where my community is self sustaining without the need to Scavenge anything.

It;s a bit like Skyrim, buggy as hell but an awesome game to boot.

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#7 delta3074
Member since 2007 • 20003 Posts
@rafaelmsoares said:

Yay, free game is being played for the first two days of release... but honestly... how many people actually paid for it?

'Since Early Access for the Ultimate Edition on May 18 and the global release of the Standard Edition on May 22, we have had over a million survivors across the globe playing and creating their own zombie survival story.'

Game pass version did not release until the 22nd so you are being a little disingenuous

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#9 delta3074
Member since 2007 • 20003 Posts

The holy Grail, A community that does not need to Scrounge to support itself.

First you need to choose the container fort in Cascade hills as your home base.

The biggest drain on a community is the Materials cost of up keeping Facilities so the first thing to build is a staging area which negates all material costs for your facility.

Then you will need 3 Hydroponic gardens, A Still, Solar array in the remaining large slot and finally an infirmary in the last small slot.


You need command center at level 3 to give 4 outposts, you want to make 2 Medical collection and 2 of them Ammo collection.

if you have the standard 8 people this will give you +1 food per day, +2 Ammo per day, +1 materials a day and your up keep costs will be 0 and your med use per day will be 0 as well.

Hope this helps :)

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#10 delta3074
Member since 2007 • 20003 Posts

It's our fault really.

'You can take my Controller from my cold dead hands'

Most console Gamers are too Stubborn to give up the way they have been gaming since the Late 80's

Most gamers are over 35 and most game on consoles, you can't teach an old dog news tricks and you Certainly can't sell an old dog something you failed to sell them before on multiple occasions.

'The average age of someone who plays games is 31 years old. In fact, more gamers are over the age of 36 than between the ages of 18 to 35 or under the age of 18.'