Cheats & Guides

ZZT Cheats For PC

  1. Move while Paused

    To defy time and freeze enemies while moving super fast, first start up ZZT. When it asks whether you want to use mouse or keyboard, say mouse. When you play on a world hold down the ''P'' key. While holding down ''P'' press and hold the Right Mouse Button and move the mouse in the desired direction. This allows you to move while paused and go super fast.

    Contributed by: unodos12345 

  2. Play in fast motion

    To play in fast motion, simply die, and then enter the ''health'' code (shift+? and enter ''health'' and press enter). The message ''Game Over - Press ESCAPE'' will be gone and you will be able to go about the game, except about 50 times faster!

    Contributed by: P Bends the man 

  3. Cheat codes

    While in-game, hold SHIFT and press ? to bring up a text-box in the upper-right corner. Now, type in one of the following. These cheats work in all ZZT-made games.

    Effect Effect
    keys All keys
    -flagname Clears the flag flagname
    +DARK Darken level
    -debug Debug mode off
    +debug Debug mode on
    -DEBUG Destroy strange numbers (?)
    +DEBUG Display strange numbers (?)
    TORCHES Give 3 torches
    AMMO Give 5 ammo
    GEMS Give 5 gems
    HEALTH Give 50 health
    TORCHES Gives you 3 torches
    GEMS Gives you 5 gems
    AMMO Gives you 5 shots
    HEALTH Gives you 50 health points
    -DARK Lighten level
    -DARK Makes a darkened area lighted
    +DARK Makes a lighted room darkened
    ZAP Removes 4 objects from around you
    +flagname Sets the flag flagname
    ZAP Zaps 4 walls around you

    Contributed by: MrIQ, supercheats2oo7, TerraPhoenixUltimate 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
In-Depth FAQs Caves Walkthrough by volvox 18K
In-Depth FAQs City Walkthrough by volvox 9K
In-Depth FAQs Dungeon Walkthrough by volvox 13K
In-Depth FAQs Town Walkthrough by volvox 13K
In-Depth FAQs ZZT-OOP Guide by P Bends the man 16K