Cheats & Guides

Aliens Versus Predator Cheats For PC

  1. Load species

    Start the game with the ''avp.exe -debug -l[ampcxtr]'' command line, where a is the alien, m is the marine, p is the predator, c is the civilian, x is the xenoborg, t is the praetorian alien, and r is the predator-alien. Note: All letters are case-sensitive.

    Contributed by: moneyguy 

  2. God Mode {Any Character}

    You must install the save game patch before you can enter the following code. Using the avp.exe -debug command line, load the game. Then press - while playing as the specified character.

    Then, type in the folloing:


    Contributed by: KasketDarkfyre 

  3. All Weapons (Marine) (Gold Edition)

    Use the -debug command line perimeter to start the game.
    Press ~ and type GIVEALLWEAPONS.

    Contributed by: cheesypoop 

  4. Cheat Codes

    Activate Cheat Mode and type:

    Effect Effect
    alienbot Add CPU Alien (Any)
    marinebot Add CPU Marine (Any)
    praetorianbot Add CPU Praetorian Alien (Any)
    predobot Add CPU Predator (Any)
    xenoborg Add CPU Zenoborg (Any)
    LEANSCALE <#> Adjust amount of tilt when sidestepping
    sky_blue, then a number Adjust Blue Tint in Sky (Any)
    sky_green, then a number Adjust Green Tint in Sky (Any)
    sky_red, then a number Adjust Red Tint in Sky (Any)
    timescale, then a number from 0.0 to 1.0 Adjust Speed of Game (Any)
    motiontrackerspeed, then a number from 0 to 16 Adjust Speed of Motion Tracker (Marine)
    GIVEALLWEAPONS All weapons and ammo (any)
    SAY Broadcast message (any)
    SAY_SPECIES Broadcast message to your species (any)
    MOTIONTRACKERVOLUME <0.00-1.00> Change motion tracker volume (marine)
    UNBIND-ALL Clear all key bindings (any)
    LIGHT Create light aura/repeat for brighter aura (any)
    DETAIL_LEVEL_MIN Decreases detail level (any)
    SHOWFPS Display frame rate (any)
    SHOWCOORDS Display level coordinates (any)
    SHOWPOLYCOUNT Display number of rendered polygons (any)
    ID_PLAYER Get name of player nearest center of screen (any)
    FREAKOFTHEUNIVERS God mode (marine)
    SKULLCOLLECTOR God mode (predator)
    DETAIL_LEVEL_MAX Increases detail level (any)
    LISTBIND List all key bindings (any)
    LISTEXP List all text expansions (any)
    LISTCMD List cheat commands (any)
    LISTVAR List in-game help (any)
    OBSERVER Player invisible to all opponents (any)
    GIMME_CHARGE Replenish energy supply (predator)
    CDPLAYLOOP Select CD track to be looped (any)
    CDPLAY Select CD track to play (any)
    CDVOLUME <0-127> Set sound level (any)
    SHOW_SCORE Show frag score (any)
    CDSTOP Stop playing CD track (any)
    SCREENSHOT Take a screenshot (any)
    CROUCHMODE <0 or 1> Toggle crouch and crawl (alien)
    DOPPLERSHIFT <0 or 1> Toggle doppler shift on Alien sounds (any)
    EXTRAPOLATE_MOVEMENT Toggle network opponent movement (any)
    WIREFRAMEMODE <0 or 1> Toggle wire frame mode (any)
    EXPV Verbose reports of text expansions (any)

    Contributed by: The Great Teacher, Undergrads2003 

  5. Earned Cheats

    To earn these cheats you must fufill the requirement described below.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Defeat the Predator level, Fury 161, with 40 Alien kills. BALLSOFFIRE: Enemies are always on fire.
    Defeat the Marine level, Colony, with 40 percent accuracy. GRENADE: Stocks your Pulse Rifle with 99 grenades (but no bullets).
    Defeat the Alien bonus level with 20 live marine head bites. IMPOSSIBLEMISSION: Causes the game to be more difficult because you take more damage.
    Defeat the Marine level, Derelict, with 80 percent head shots. JOHNWOOMODE: When you attack or are attacked, the game slows down.
    Defeat the Marine level, Orbital, using less than 20 shots. LANDOFTHEGIANTS: Makes you very small.
    Defeat the Alien level, Earthbound, with one live Predator head bite. MIRROR: Mirrors your display of the level.
    Defeat the Alien level, Gateway, in under four and a half minutes with an average speed of 9 m/s or greater to aquire. MOTIONBLUR: Makes the screen blurry.
    Defeat the Alien level, Escape, in less than two minutes. NAUSEA: The entire screen shakes and moves.
    Defeat the Predator level, Waterfall, with 80 percent accuracy. PIGSTICKING: Gives the Predator's Spear gun unlimited ammo and multifire.
    Defeat the Alien level, Ferarco, with 15 dead civilian head bites to aquire the cheat. PIPECLEANER: All characters are shown as pipecleaners.
    Defeat the Marine level, Tyrargo, with 32 Alien kills. SLUGTRAIL: Causes all Aliens to crawl on the floor because they have no legs.
    Defeat the Alien level, Temple, with 10 live civilian head bites. SNIPERMUNCH: Alien gains long-distance jaw attack.
    Defeat the Predator bonus level, Invasion, with 15 alien trophies. TICKERTAPE: Aliens all have a trail following them.
    Defeat the Predator bonus level, Escape, with 10 civilian trophies. TRIPTASTIC: Causes the screen to be blurry, jittering, and rainbow.
    Defeat the Marine level, Orbital, using less than 20 shots. WARPSPEED: Run very fast.

    Contributed by: Reaper 

  6. Cheat List {Any Character}

    You must first type in -debug as the command line parameter and load the game. Then press - while playing as the specified character.

    Then type in the following:


    Effect Effect
    light Create light/aura (repeat to brighten)
    showfrps Display Frame Rate
    showcoords Displays level coordinates
    observer Player is invisable to all opponents
    listcmd Shows list of cheat commands

    Contributed by: CGorman, KasketDarkfyre 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by SBolle 201K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by Death Mage 136K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by crazedgiggles 121K

Aliens Versus Predator Cheats For Macintosh

  1. Cheat Codes

    Effect Effect
    SKY_BLUE <#> Adjust blue amount in sky
    SKY_GREEN <#> Adjust green value in sky
    SKY_RED <#> Adjust red value in sky
    CDVOLUME <# between 0 -127> Adjust sound level
    LEANSCALE <#> Adjusts amount of screen tilt when side-stepping
    SAY Broadcast message
    SAY_SPECIES Broadcast message to your species
    TIMESCALE <# between 0.0 - 1.0> Change game speed
    MOTIONTRACKERSPEED <# between 0 -16> Change motion tracker speed
    MOTIONTRACKERVOLUME <# between 0.00 - 1.00> Change motion tracker volume
    UNBIND-ALL Clear all key buildings
    ALIENBOT Create Alien bot
    LIGHT Create light aura
    MARINEBOT Create Marine bot
    PRAETORIANBOT Create Praetorian Alien bot
    PREDOBOT Create Predator bot
    PREDALIENBOT Create Predator-Alien bot
    XENOBORG Create Xenoborg bot
    DETAIL_LEVEL_MIN Decreases detail level
    SHOW_SCORE Display kill count
    ID_PLAYER Get name of player closest to center of screen
    GIVEALLWEAPONS Gives all weapons and ammo
    FREAKOFTHEUNIVERSE God mode (Marine)
    SKULLCOLLECTOR God Mode (Predator)
    DETAIL_LEVEL_MAX Increases detail level
    GOD Invincibility
    OBSERVER Invisible to enemies
    NUKEALIENS Kill all Aliens
    NUKEMARINES Kill all Marines
    NUKEPREDS Kill all Predators
    LISTBIND List all key buildings
    LISTEXP List all text expansions
    LISTCMD List cheat commands
    LISTVAR List in-game help
    EXPV More detailed text expansion reports
    GIMME_CHARGE Restores field energy
    CDPLAY Select music track
    CDPLAYLOOP Select music track to be looped
    SHOWPOLYCOUNT Show # of rendered polygons
    SHOWCOORDS Show coordinates
    SHOWFPS Show frame rate
    CDSTOP Stop playing current music track
    SCREENSHOT Take screen shot
    CROUCHMODE <1 or 0> Toggle crouching
    DOPPLERSHIFT <1 or 0> Toggle doppler shift on sounds
    EXTRAPOLATE_MOVEMENT Toggle opponent movement
    WIREFRAMEMODE <1 or 0> Toggle wire frame mode

    Contributed by: Starky27, CRigflo 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by SBolle 201K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by Death Mage 136K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by crazedgiggles 121K

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ by jefequeso 82K