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Overwatch 2's Story Deserves Better | Spot On

Blizzard announced that Overwatch 2's Hero Missions have been canceled, so Tam and Lucy discuss the ways that universe can continue to tell its stories.

This week Blizzard announced that it was dropping Overwatch 2's eagerly anticipated PvE element: Hero Missions. These replayable, story-driven missions would make use of a Talent System, where Heroes would level up and gain access to new abilities. While PvE elements and missions will appear as seasonal content, a lot of the Overwatch community is unhappy with the mode being dropped completely, with many suggesting that the '2' in Overwatch 2 hung on the game's PvE.

In this week's Spot On, Lucy and Tam discuss the ways that multiplayer games have tried, succeeded, and failed to tell impactful stories, and suggest ways that the Overwatch 2 team could explore storytelling going forward.

Spot On is a weekly news show airing Fridays in which GameSpot's managing editor Tamoor Hussain and senior producer Lucy James talk about the latest news in games. Given the highly dynamic and never-ending news cycle of the massive video game industry there's always something to talk about but, unlike most other news shows, Spot On will dive deep into single topic as opposed to recapping al the news. Spot On airs each Friday.

Thank you to Crowsmack for providing the artwork used on the Spot On set. Find more of his work on his website.

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Spot On

Spot On

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Spot on is GameSpot’s weekly premium news show, featuring two of GameSpot's most trusted and beloved personalities, Managing Editor Tamoor Hussain and Senior Producer Lucy James, discuss and debate the week's most important story in gaming.