Like shooting? Like walking on walls? Like melee fights with swords? You'll love this game!

User Rating: 9.5 | Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict XBOX
Like shooting? Like walking on walls? Like melee fights with swords? You'll love this game!

Now I havn't played this game in a very long time but still, I love this game! Seriously. It's got everything that I want. Nothing like a free for all with six people in nothing but a sword and frag war. I love the weapon styles. I like the introduction of aerodynamics and body physics. Nothing is better than being able to run up a wall and fly through the air or walk along the roof. It's like moon gravity only better. What I love the most about this game is the melee-fighting dynamics. I love them. I'll kick your butt in one too. The storyline is pretty immersive. It's got a few slight quirks but it's decent enough to like it.

Bottom line... if you see this game, buy it! You won't be disappointed. If you are send me the bill and I will gladly pay it!