Your king of review is very very happy and let me tell you why my royal subjects!

User Rating: 8.5 | Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict XBOX
Over the past ten years hadcore gaming fans of the unreal series such as myself always asked. Whats next? Where does Unreal go from here? This game came at a pefect time and delivered on a very very high level making it easy to see why the Unreal Series is just simply ontop of its game. Man this game was amazing. It has beautiful graphics and stunning visuals followed by a wide array of character, villians and just plain out beautiful mayhem that was highly and i mean highly addictive. The gameplay for this was probably endless and I wouldnt be suprised if it still had a few hardcore fans online somewhere around the world. The multiplayer was beautiful and this is one game that the xbox delivered to its fanbase and is much better then the sequel.

This game has my stamp of approval even by todays standards. It is just simply loads of fun and a good time for anyone.