I recommend this to anyone new to the RPG scene.

User Rating: 8 | DewPrism PS
Threads of Fate is one of those games you can just fly through without getting stuck in a puzzle of some kind. You can obviously tell this game s made for beginners of the RPG world and it does a rather good job.

Just like Gamespot say, expert RPG fans will just fly through this game. Although im not a huge RPG fan, i managed to get through this rather quick. In the game you choose between two characters, both of which have a different story to tell. One want's revenge on her sister to claim the family throne, while the other wants to save his girlfriend from an evil enemy. Both stories end up mixing together until both of them are helping each other out.

Once you've completed one story, you really will want to play the other as they're not the same and they both lead to a nice ending.

If your new to RPGs, i'd recommend this to anyone.