The Myst Clears.

User Rating: 8.7 | Myst PSP
Being a Myst fan I chanced upon the Myst game for the PSP while browsing amazon. Prior to this I had no idea it was being released which was surprising for me as such a franchise as Myst should not be kept in the dark.

Myst is a traditional adventure (developed, once again, by SunSoft) game using the first person perspective view. The player will find items, solve puzzles and meet a variety of interesting characters on their epic adventure.

The game operates quite easily unlike many games for the PSP, due to it's not-so-hectic nature the game can be played qutie slowly and so does not suffer the same problems as action games on the PSP. You point your cursor at an item and simply press the action button to operate it, the analog stick moves you around and the direction buttons change the direction in which you are looking. A simple premise that works.

Perhaps the most striking thing about this game are the visuals. SunSoft have done a good conversion from the PC game and thus Myst has high end visuals. The backgrounds are brilliant and have been hand drawn excellently. The animations could be better though, although they are an improvement on the quicktime boxes in the original PC version. Overall though it has some of the most stunning visuals on the PSP.

There is no dialogue in Myst, however there is haunting music, any of you whom has played Morrowind will know the type of music in this game, it appears at the most appropriate points and you will find yourself humming along. The PSP headphones do a good job of immersing you even more.

Overall a faithful conversion of one, if not the, best adventure franchise on PSP. It is an acquired taste but it should be not missed by any adventure game fan.