The flip flopper mentallity.

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#1 LuffyTubby
Member since 2006 • 741 Posts
Warning: The following rant, may decrease your intellegence upon reading the many flaws of rape in the english language aswell as the over-discussed points and melodramatic backstories. Still, I have to say that I feel that I have more 1337 knowledge than any of you combined. Not an intended flamebait, but merely an statemente of the fact that I think that I speak the truth and the logic.

Hello. I live in Europe. Hurray for me. PS3 is launching next month. Big woppydy doo doo. How it will go I do not care about.

I own a Wii and a 360. I owned an Xbox too. I remember buying Xbox when it launched. When it was a product none had heard about and everyone in the industry felt it was destined to fail.

But you know what, even in the bad times it was always awesome to follow Xbox. It was fun. The 4 years of Xbox 1 was great. There where lots of dissapointments, but there where also some good stuff. I remember when Live launched. It was like the console launched itself for the second time. And thinking back at it, the first version of Xbox Live was absolutely crap, but back then(2002) it felt really awesome. It was really fun being an Xbox fan. It was cheering for the underdog. Feeling my own nerdy heartbeating when watching Ed Fries, Jay Allard and Robbie Barch defending the XBox right from the start and at e3 and other events.

The PS2 always reigned supreme and stole the overall thunder, but Xbox still continued to grow and got momentum. There was room for it. The spot that SEGA left behind had been occupied. It was great and fun being an Xbox fan. Looking back at it - All the sony hate, I also came to the conclusion that the Xbox fanboys are the more extreme breed of Xbox fanboys. I am convinced that while magazines and the press is pretty bad at hyping Sony products like the Getaway and Killzone, nothing has come close to the sheer hype power of the Xbox communtiy. Fable and Halo 2 probably remainded the biggest games for the system, and yet both have been by today standards, considered failures. I don't know.
Still Xbox also had it's fair share of underrated games right til the end. I will have to give a shout out to SEGAs attempt at supporting the format, a testment to their not so cleaver business descisons but sense of honour and loyalty and willing to take risks with some of their biggest I.Ps. Sure, many of them where not really good games. Toejam and Earl, Crazy Taxi 3, House of the Dead 3, and so on, but what their Smilebit studio did, with Panzer Dragoon Orta and Jet Set Radio Future, remains some of the best games that the japanese industry has produced in the past decade. Other noteworthy underrated and underappreciated Xbox games are Strangers Wrath, Otogi 1 and 2, Crimson Sea, Phantom Dusk, and Psychonauts.
It's perhaps ironic, because again it seemed to me that the Xbox community always critized Sony supporters for being clueless Madden loving mainstream bastards who would not choose the more hardcore gamer profound console with the better games. But yet, it also seemed that the overall Xbox community also did not really pay attention to the more innovative and different games out there. In the end the Xbox was a system that was remembered for Halo, Splinter Cell, Knights of the old Republic, and perhaps to an lesser extent Ninja Gaiden, and Fable.

Owning a 360 now, and seeing the things where they are. While I realise that Microsoft and Xbox has come far, I don't like what I see. And I don't like the way that things are done. I don't think I can put my finger on it, but there is just something that is off by the 360.
It's better than the original Xbox in every single possible way. Perhaps except for still lacking, it's true Halo calibur game of insanity that will be talked about religiously for the next 5-10 years.

Still, I am beginning to lean more forward Sony. Even with all these things that has happened, I don't like where Microsoft is taking it all. I used to love the idea of unified online and making the pc and the console one entity, but I am feeling further and further annoyed by the way things are done.

To me it seems like Microsoft decided to go for the largest userbase this time around - Released early, made a slick and stylish console, made it as cool as possible in the pop culture, and cultivated with all the mainstream tools it needed to get ordinary folks hooked, with everything from its MTV offerings in the form of its first showing to the Gears of War documentary, and so on and so forth. I feel that as a hardcore gamer - Not really one of does that cares about HD all that much, but just a hardcore gamer who likes to play the games for the games sake, not carrying about gamerpoints and leaderboards and all that stuff. I felt that I have been left on the floor.

And to me it seems that PS3 might be taking the first Xboxs role. A reverse. I don't know. Or maybe its just my nature to cheer for the underdog.

I have no need or desire to dislike ps3 anymore. I got all my frustration about the negative press, out a while ago. And now the console just looks more and more appealing to me, while Microsoft sort of annoys me. Maybe Microsoft has gone the wrong path? When was the last time Jay Allard talked about the machine? Why did Ed Fries leave for SOE? Was it even Seamus Barkly(the Xbox creator)'s vision for 360 to be a worthy successor?

I am not sold on ps3 or PSP yet. I am not selling my 360, and I have known for many years that microsoft and sony and nintendo all are evil corps who want to do anything to get our money, but I don't care about that. I just feel that Xbox 360 is not cool anymore. Somewhere along the road, perhaps between production and marketing, something was lost. Perhaps its soul. Now it feels like a little customized colorful Windows XP machine that might be able to make alot of noise and heat, but don't really have the strength, the will or heart to really achieve. I really do think that 360 and wii will take it home on lower price and lower consumer expectations as far as overall sales goes, but I don't care about that.

flip-flop me Mr. Gates. And don't say Halo 3 or that Kaz Harai wears thongs. I don't care about that anymore. It's not about having the most powerful hardware, the most exclusive or the best ratings on It's just about the damn games.. Giant enemy crabs and horse armor. And Miis!

WTF happened to us? WTF happened... Is this mainstream??? Screw this... I am gonna go out and play in the sun... You can go back to playing Geometry Wars and World of Warcraft and all that stupid crap. This industry has reached sucktitude.
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#2 twags82
Member since 2003 • 4531 Posts
Belongs in a blog...
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#3 Bansheesdie
Member since 2004 • 15057 Posts
summary please?
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#4 mwa
Member since 2003 • 2639 Posts
Belongs in a blog...twags82

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#5 mr_pops238
Member since 2006 • 3980 Posts
Make it shorter. I read like 5 seconds of it and it sounds like another Sony bashing post.
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#6 shungokustasu
Member since 2004 • 7190 Posts
We should vote on a TOS violation for writing blogs on here.
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#7 LuffyTubby
Member since 2006 • 741 Posts
summary please?Bansheesdie

summery; "bla bla bla... jack thompsons underwear... bla bla bla..."

does that make you happy mr pansy?
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#8 mwa
Member since 2003 • 2639 Posts
[QUOTE="Bansheesdie"]summary please?LuffyTubby

summery; "bla bla bla... jack thompsons underwear... bla bla bla..."

does that make you happy mr pansy?

dude can rant all you want but keep it in your blog
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#9 project343
Member since 2005 • 14106 Posts
I don't think I can put my finger on it, but there is just something that is off by the 360.
It's better than the original Xbox in every single possible way.LuffyTubby
That would be the fact that you've become much more jaded since the days of the original Xbox.
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#10 LuffyTubby
Member since 2006 • 741 Posts
[QUOTE="LuffyTubby"]I don't think I can put my finger on it, but there is just something that is off by the 360.
It's better than the original Xbox in every single possible way.project343
That would be the fact that you've become much more jaded since the days of the original Xbox.


Oh no sir. I hate myself, and I am beginning to hate this entire god forsaken sellout industry aswell.

Only reason I have yet to live is for me to play fusion frenzy 2... and perhaps a kabuki warriors sequel(crosses teh fingers)