Brilliant RPG, instant classic!

User Rating: 9.5 | Dragon Age: Origins (Collector's Edition) PC
Dragon Age Origins is brought to you by BioWare, if BioWare brings out an RPG game you can bet it's going to be brilliant. They created the Star Wars Knight's of The Old Republic series and the Mass Effect series, which are both unbelievably great RPG's.

Story -- 9/10

The story is similar to Lord of The Rings, a quick sum up is that weird Orc looking things that live underground are being lead by an evil god in the form of a dragon. They're hell bent on killing everything and controlling the world. Typically it's down to you to save the day, however picking it apart aside. The story line is not only very deep but also very clever; many choices effect not only how people treat you, if they know you, how they think you will act and in some case's if they will even interact with you at all. Which fully affects the main plot, side quests and how your companions think of you. Also certain characters you choose to go along with you will effect how others may see you and even the outcome of these quests.

The character customisation is great too, not only can you customise how you look and how you sound but you have your own background story which you play though as a tutorial style level. Race also give an eerily realistic perspective to how you can be treated by other people in the game.

Game Play -- 8.5/10

The game play is typical of the fantasy RPG game genre; it offers a simple attack technique in which you character continuously attacks the enemy without you having to continually press a button. However you also have special moves which give you a more fun part to play rather than to sit back and wait until every thing is killed, you can upgrade these skill's as you go on making your character even more deadly. The only draw back I see for players is that they may find the combat boring.

Graphics/Sound -- 9.5/10

The visuals, to put it bluntly, are brilliant. The worst I could spot was one conversation where the pixels didn't match up in a small section of the screen. However that was it, the sound is very good! The voice's are almost perfectly synced and suite the characters, you may recognise some of the voices. This, in my opinion, helps submerge you even deeper into the story.


The game offers plenty of hidden extras which will amaze you when they become part of your characters own story. The side quest offer much distraction when you want to level up your character, character customisations makes you truly feel as if your character is unique. With the three different race's and three different class's it creates a practically different story for each.
Overall this game starts well with great character customisation and background stories.

This leads into an unbelievable free-roaming world with additional (and optional) followers to aid on your battle. Throughout your choices make subtly effects to your own story line until the end in which some choices become an obvious hindrance or assistance. All of this leads to a great game with many more features that will make re-playing fun over and over again.

Hope this was helpful! Please thumbs up and check my page out for more stuff!