One of the worst games I've ever played in terms of graphics but...

User Rating: 5 | Deathtrap Dungeon PC
One of the worst games I've ever played in terms of graphics, but the characters, traps and sound effects were highly amusing. Enemies are hilarious, including a reoccurring insane laughing troll that is very fast and sometimes hard to kill when attacking in packs of 3 or more. You have a limited choice of characters to play in this dark comedy; just 2 in fact, the hero or the heroine. There are many weapons to pick up throughout the game, but not as many close combat choices as I would like there to be. Ranged weapons, spells, potions and charms, on the other hand, are plentiful. Ranged weapons, although plentiful, can only be carried one at a time, which causes a lot of tracing back to find them later in the game. Picking up gold pieces and other treasure throughout helps to earn you a greater score but are seemingly useless in terms of gameplay. Controls are basic PC controls and accessing menus is a little cumbersome, but still manageable. One good feature about this title is you can cast spells while having a ranged or close combat weapon equipped. It's a big time saver. In-game menus are easy to navigate and simple to understand. Overall, the plot is simple and there aren't any interesting surprises in the game. You are the hero/heroine and must make your way to killing the dragon. There is also a LAN multi-player mode just like in Baldur's Gate II, which adds to the games value.