What other video game makes you get up and dance and actually exercise? No other.

User Rating: 8.1 | Dance Dance Revolution PS
Dance Dance Revolution, the classic arcade hit now hits the Playstation with well Dance Dance Revolution. This game is all about moving your body to the groove. Of course you will need to buy a dance pad to play this game.

Gameplay: Well, I don't no how getting up and dancing on a plastic mat is fun but it is. I could dance around to Dance Dance Revolution for hours and hours. The diffuculty in this game is perfect ranging from what I would call easy to very very hard.

Graphics: Well, there are no real graphics in this game unless you count moving arrows and PERFECT! text.

Sound: Sound is what the Dance Dance Revolution games are all about. The music! All the songs from the arcade version are right here in your very room. It is a pleasure to listen and to dance to these songs.

Value: You will be replaying this game for hours and hours at a time. When people come over you can challenge them to a dance off and it is just plain fun. If you want to get really good at DDR then you must play a lot. Pratice makes perfect.

Reviewer's Tilt: I wasn't much of a DDR fan until I went to my friends house and played it there. Then I went out and bought DDR and have been dancing my ass off since then.