An arcade shooter that is not worth your money

User Rating: 2 | Call of Duty: WWII (Pro Edition) PS4

After playing Battlefield 1 with the immerse (but short) story campaign, superb graphics and cut scenes I was really looking forward to play this WWII version from CoD.

Boy was I disappointed. Lucky for me the download was free on PS4.

It's been said on several reviews already but.. this is clonky, twitchy, buggy and unrefined. It feels it was made in a rush and no one cared about the finishing touches. Even the "briefing cut scenes" (if you can call those that) have jeeps glide through the terrain sideways and wheelspin not matching the movement. The characters look good but it's 2020 - it's kinda the norm now.

Gameplay is nothing new. You either rush in or stand in cover shooting until you run out of ammo as infinite waves of enemy spawn to your location.

It again reaffirms me not to spend money EVER on the CoD franchise. I made a mistake in comparing the CoD WWII with BF 5 so I'm going to try that now and hopefully get a better experience. You should too.

And I'm not even going to go over to the multiplayer side if the single player is this crappy.