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Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 Remix Update Out Now, Here's What It Does

Square Enix has added a couple of small new features to the remastered collection.


Square Enix has released a free update for Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 Remix, adding a couple of small new features to the remastered collection. In addition to fixing various bugs, the update adds an additional cutscene for Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. There's also a new Theater mode for Kingdom Hearts Final Mix, which allows you to re-watch cutscenes.

Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 Remix is out now on PlayStation 4. The title collects six remastered Kingdom Hearts in one package with improved visuals and other additional features.

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Now Playing: Kingdom Hearts III - Orchestra Trailer (Japanese with Subtitles)

In other Kingdom Hearts news, Square Enix also released a new trailer for the anticipated Kingdom Hearts III earlier this week. The video showcases some massive new villains and gives fans a better look at some new gameplay elements. Square Enix still hasn't announced a release date for Kingdom Hearts III.

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