Good RPG game with Very Good Humor Touch, but Not Too Good Closure.

User Rating: 8.7 | Anachronox PC
Annacronox is an RPG game with good of sense of humor. At first, the plot is not too clear. People might got confuse on the opening scene, what happen to Sly. Maybe its because the limited graphic engine. Even though that Annacronox use the Quake 2 engine, but its not enough to draw the character expression. For the game that full of humor like this, the graphic engine is not enough.

Annacronox has a very good plot (despite the closure). It has full of surprises and mysteries along the game. Even though that the story build so slowly at the earlier stage, but it will go faster in the middle part, after sly That would make everyone stick to play this game 'till the end.

The combat style is just like the earlier RPG game in nintendo (like final fantasy for example). The combat will be more attractive after sly and friends can use their special moves (like special combos in street fighter). Even though not all the special moves can be opened.

The story packed with alot of puzzle to solve and humor that sometimes are taken from famous movies (like silence of the lamb, etc). The closure is quite surprise enough, but it has to have sequel to be a good closure.

Overall,this game is worth to play. Just enjoy the story and a little forgiveness to the graphic.